Digitalism Magazine Introduces The Taköhl Treasure Ring For Mothers Day

Digitalism Magazine Introduces The Taköhl Treasure Ring For Mothers Day
Article by Anuppa Caleekal published 2007 ©,  Digitalism Magazine ©

Digitalism Magazine’s Redflash series on Bridal Jewellery series commemorates Mothers Day, May 13/2007 with the right hand ruby ring and has selected the award winning designer Tammy Kohl’s Taköhl Treasure Ring® as the inspiration in this mission to revive the original Mothers Day Proclamation of 1870 by Julia Ward Howe.

Tammy Kohl treasure rings are for both men and women and can be worn on any finger but the beauty of her jewellery is its ability to be a symbolic treasure for the wearer. Look at these fabulous Taköhl® styles “Timeless’, “Baguette” and “Young Empress” as shown below.


A heart skipping treasure ring of sheer innovation and symbolic power. You can create your own unique inscription of love within this treasure ring
On her philosophy on jewellery,Tammy Kohl’s says,
“What makes my design philosophy unique is that it is not just about adornment, but rather the communication between the wearer and a much deeper meaning. I love enabling people to use their own words to express what really inspires them, as human beings on a very individual level.”
Contact Tammy Kohl
110 N. Peoria St.
Chicago, IL 60607

in Canada Contact
Orangeville, ON

In continuity of earlier articles on Ruby RedFlash in Bridal Jewellery, Digitalism Magazine has chosen the Tammy Kohl’s Taköhl Treasure Ring® as a symbol for Brides to wear it as right hand ruby ring. There is something very symbolic about weddings and the union of blood between two families, the birth and sacrifices of mothers of the past in the creation of sons and daughters. Red is the colour of rememberance, passion, sacrifice, honour and love symbolized by the eternal fire of a ruby stone.

Weddings are a time to rejoice and the event has flourished through the history of man even amidst the agony and pain of past World Wars and present on going world conflicts and fight against terrorism.


The Right Hand Ring is particularly symbolic to women and Mothers Day as a jewel of strength and affirmation that women have raised their left hand and their right hand in the welfare and gains of their community and countries for generations and continue with this struggle in countries that do not honour their freedom as citizens of equal power.

So when the left hand is engaged in a task, women raise their rights with the right hand ruby ring of devotion.
Digitalism Magazine’s Redflash Bridal jewellery series would like to unite all brides with a Right Hand Ring Honouring Mothers day. Wear it to share an international sisterhood of brides creating families of the world and gift one to your mother as a shared power of creation in the continuous symbolic trinity of daughter, mother and grandmother.


In celebration of the contribution of great women such as Julia Ward Howe, President Bush of the United States of America
officially addressed the Proclamation of Women’s History Month in March 2007.
Source: White House News

Julia Ward Howe, an American women was drawn into the anti-slavery cause, and when the Civil War broke out, vigorously worked with the Sanitary Commission, which was the precursor of the Red Cross. In 1870, Julia Ward Howe in reaction to the outbreak of war in Europe , literally singularly raised her voice as a peace crusader appealing to the “sea of women” to rise up against war. She started the Mothers Day Proclamation in 1870 which later evolved to become todays convention of the celebration of Mothers Day in May
Below outlines

The Original Mothers Day Proclamation,
by Julia Ward Howe: 1870

Original Mothers Day Proclamation,
 by Julia Ward Howe: 1870:

Arise then, women of this day!

Arise all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be of water or of tears!

Say firmly:

‘We will not have questions decided by irrelevant agencies.

‘Our husbands shall not come to us reeking of carnage for caresses and applause.

‘Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy, and patience.

‘We women of one country will be too tender to those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.

‘From the bosom of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with our own, it says “Disarm! Disarm!”

‘The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.

‘Blood does not wipe out dishonor, nor violence indicate possession.’

As men have forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel.

Let them meet first as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.

Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each bearing after his time the sacred impress not of Caesar, but of God.

In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.

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